Artist Influence - Susan Salvati
Susan and I met while we were both pregnant with our second children, 20 years ago. Our friendship blossomed into what is now like a chosen family. I have admired watching her explore her artistic side with a sense of purpose and storytelling through her art. I have more than four of her pieces in our home. I love my ladies and the sense of calm and nostalgia they bring to my home.
Susan was recently featured at the Staying Creative Gallery in Brentwood Bay and she was also a feature artist in the 2023 Fernwood Art Stroll. If you didn’t have the pleasure of seeing her art in person at one of these events make sure to follow her on Instagram or visit her website.
In Susan's own words.
"Faces intrigue and ask the viewer to wonder about lived experience. Colour contrasts with the solemness of the internal world and a pressure to present differently to the outside. My work explores the boundaries of the individual, an internal solitude, as well as the often concurrent longing for connection. Questions about belonging recur. A focus on the specifically female experience relates to the sisterhood among girls and women, oppression and the need for the feminine element."
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