Outlast & Outperform
Quiet luxury has been a topic of late, but why be quiet when you can be outstanding? Choosing items with longevity through some thoughtful shopping results in acquisition of special, quality pieces that will outlast their counterparts with a more vibrant style and distinction.
Modhaus Design Notes are featured bi-monthly in Boulevard Magazine. This free publication endeavors to capture Victoria’s personality, culture and vitality but sharing local People, Arts, Trends, Food, Architecture and Design. Next time your about town pick up a copy of Boulevard Magazine and immerse yourself in all things fabulously Victoria!
Do you know that upwards of 85% of new business comes from word-of-mouth?
Modhaus Design is a female-run, Victoria-based small business. If you like what you’ve experienced working with me or what you’ve read or seen in my posts, please consider lending your support by sharing.