Modhaus Vintage Shop
As mentioned in a previous Story, my plan for a tiny shop of curated beauties just for you, is now open for business. I will frequently post new items on my Instagram @modhausdesigns and directly on the shop page of the Modhaus website. Please consider my Shop when perusing for yourself or a gift for someone else.
Useful objects d’art, my favorite kind. I choose each by considering if this is an object I would use in my own home. Collecting is creating a story through items which appeal to your eye and senses.
My hope is, we can be a little gentler and thoughtful with gifting by including used items in our own homes.
Do you know that upwards of 85% of new business comes from word-of-mouth?
Modhaus Design is a female-run, Victoria-based small business. If you like what you’ve experienced working with me or what you’ve read or seen in my posts, please consider lending your support by sharing.